We loved seeing our residents welcome Legna and her boys (recipients of Hero Home 22) with big smiles, cheers, and welcome posters. Some even joined the parade!
Tour four beautiful Parade Homes this year from three esteemed builders at Wendell Falls. The 2017 Parade of Homes is happening the first three weekends in October.
The developers of Wendell Falls and the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association are offering a chance to explore the region’s farming history and its future with an agricultural bus tour on Saturday, Sept. 17.
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/community/eastern-wake-news/article98613397.html#storylink=cpy
Wendell Falls marked its first anniversary with a barn raising-themed event in May. Marrying tradition with innovation, the down-home celebration showcased bluegrass music, family activities, giveaways, Southern fare and a Hoedown Showdown celebrity dance competition.
In the 1850s, the area of Wendell became home to tobacco farmers settling from Granville County to escape the Granville wilt. In 1903, the area was incorporated into a town, and the residents chose the name Wendell after the poet Oliver Wendell Holmes. The iconic pronunciation—'WEN-'DELL—is attributed to the conductor at the train station.